I looked at his other friend who was similar but he was black.
I looked at him, he had stubble (Something I could never grow), he was over 6 foot and beefy. I must have looked confused because these two men came up to me and asked I was walking around the club aimlessly trying to find them when I went out to check the smoking area. I found out later that they had all either gone home or gone to another club and didn't realise I was still there. We were in there doing a few shots when after a while I realised that I had lost my friends. We had gone to a few bars to start drinking and then we ended up at one club called The Bella Bar. Then one night, my first ever night out with my friends. All the time which as a young and horny boy, I was living the dream. I had just turned 18, I was living in Manchester, England, I had a really hot girlfriend called Jenna and we were having sex like crazy. Everyone in this story is over the age of 18.